Jesus Loves GRASS

Technical blog about GRASS/GIS,open source geoinformatics and MAPSERVER.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Basic Image in PHP/Mapscript

This script makes a simple web page with a PNG image based on a GeoTiff that contains interpolation values in Float32. The script uses the ms_GetErrorObj() to echo any errors.

The objective of the script is to totally replace any info from the map file, nevertheless it is necessary for a map file to start the Map object.

The map file called is only:


The rest is defined as follows.....

* Created on Feb 1, 2008

// Loading Lib (just to be certain)

//Reset error list (just to be certain)


// Creation of map object
$oMap = ms_newMapObj($map_path."");

//Setting the name

//Setting size and backcolor

//Setting Extent
//Data gathered using GdalInfo from the GeoTIFF
//double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy

//Seting units

//Output type


//Layer Object

//RASTER processing of band1 of Geottif, automatic color scaling

//Dumping image

//Error dumping part, not very necessary, only for debug
while($error && $error->code!=MS_NOERR)
printf("Error in %s: %s


<img src="http://localhost<?php echo $image_url?>" alt="Map" />


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