Jesus Loves GRASS

Technical blog about GRASS/GIS,open source geoinformatics and MAPSERVER.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

After GRASS was installed.....

After GRASS is compiled the GDAL need to be recompiled pointing to the GRASS directory
>./configure –with-grass=/usr/local/grass-6.2.0 && make

Normally when using gdal (in this case gdalinfo) it may get an error message like this

>gdalinfo: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This means that gdal is not finding the libraries of GRASS, the best thing is to put the GRASS path on the and run the ldconfig

>echo /usr/local/grass-6.2.0/lib >> /etc/

If you put > instead of >> it will fuck up all

Complete ./configure options for GRASS 6.2

The new GRASS 6.2 has been out for sometime and normally when I have to compile GRASS I need to type a HHUUUUGGEEEE command line to have everything that I need working.

Normally I put the command line in a file called and then run it

./configure --with-postgres-includes=/usr/include/pgsql --with-cxx --with-mysql --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-ffmpeg --with-ffmpeg-includes=/usr/local/include/ffmpeg –enable-largefile --with-readline --with-sqlite --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config

This works for my linux box (suse 10.1) and it will give

- Access to MySQL and PostGIS

- Create movies (mpeg)

- Use GDAL to acess files (after GRASS is intalled GDAL need to be recompiled)

- Enable readline (to go back on the commands)

- Things like enable-largefile and enable-cxx just look good :)


To start a blog a person should introduce him self: Born in the sleepy town of Tavira in the shores of the Gilão river in the Algarve, southern most region of Portugal, learned Agriculture in the Algarve University and then moved to Israel to Ben-Gurion University for 4 years to make a Ph.D. in application of Geostatistics and Principal Component Analysis in Organic Agriculture.

In the middle of the master and Ph.D I started to work in GIS and since I am a big linux fan/user it was it was natural for me to adopt GRASS as my GIS platform and to work in R as my mathematical “calculator”

In this next year I'll be working in a project where the Portuguese team will have to make a webgis system meaning 1 year of grass and mapserver !!

This blog will help me to keep track of some of my work and it will also be a place for me to write my notes, because my memory is very crapy and I can only recall 1% of all the grass commands and HOWTOs