Jesus Loves GRASS

Technical blog about GRASS/GIS,open source geoinformatics and MAPSERVER.

Friday, August 03, 2007

putObject object type coercing

Like it says in the API of RSOAP sometimes it's SOAP has problem converting object and it may need some help:

In the python shell:

This array_number will be an instance object.

To put this list python object in the R

if there weren't the conversion to list from instance the R server would reply

PS: Better to use the wrapper function shown in the article RSOAP in Python Zine to deal with object transformation

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Creation of a Semi-Variogram using RSOAP and Python

This is basically what is in Py Zine about RSOAP but with some differences....

Starting in the bash shell by activating the RSOAPManager : ./RSOAPManager --debug

STARTING R SOAP Manager on localhost:9081
Manager Port: 9081
R Server Port range: [9082 to 65536]

Setting up R Process Object...
../lib/ RuntimeWarning: tempnam is a potential security risk to your program
self._tmpdir = os.tempnam(self.path,"RSOAP") + "/"
RHOME= /usr/local/lib/R
RVER= 2051
RUSER= /root
Loading Rpy version 2051 .. Done.
Creating the R object 'r' .. Done
Setting up SOAP Listener

Listening for SOAP requests at http://localhost:9081

Waiting for request...

jumping to the python shell:

>>from SOAPpy import *

Starting a new SOAP connection:
>>RSOAPServer=SOAProxy(“http://localhost:9081”) # as indicated by RSOAPManager

To check if the connection is ok
>>RSOAPServer.echo(“something”) #the server will reply to what ever we write

Requesting a new R session and port information:
>>RSessionURL=RSOAPServer.newServer() # the reply should be http://localhost:9083 if the reply is 'None' it didnt opened the session

It is also possible to keep track of the ports using the nmap in the bash shell:
>nmap -v -p9080-9090 localhost

The making the actual connection to the R session

>>RSession.echo(“test”) # for killing session : RSession.quit()

3 major ways to deal with the R session: function call, eval, script. The first one (call) is used to call functions and pass parameters, eval is used to send lines of commands (ex: names(ssa)<-c(“x”,”y”,”z”)) and script to process complete scripts.

For the semivariogram creation it will be used the sgeostat pack. The first thing is to load the library

>>“library”,”sgeostat”) #fist it is called the functions and then the parameters to pass

Using sgeostat it is necessary the following steps to create a semivariogram
-Upload data
-Create point object
-Create pair object
-Estimate the semi-variogram

For loading the data set and creating the data object (ssa):

The eval will pass the command R.

to see the new object:

For the other sequential commands it is better to use the script option. Normally for this method it is assumed the \n as the escape char for separation, it also allows for prompts when the echo option is activated.

script_text="names(ssa)<-c('x','y','z') \n ssa.point<-point(ssa) \n ssa.pair<-pair(ssa.point) \n ssa.estvar<-est.variogram(ssa.point,ssa.pair,'z')"

Sending the script:

['resultText', 'ssa', 'ssa.estvar', 'ssa.pair', 'ssa.point']

Normally to output the result I use png() to save the result as a png file, the problem is that X11() device is deactivated (it took me sometime to discover....), to see what device is being used:


Another possibility is to use the PDF output
>>> RSession.eval("options(device='pdf')")

Using the PDF the result will be dumped using a script that opens the PDF device, plots, closes/saves
>>script_text2="pdf(file='/home/jesus/tmp/sv.pdf') \n plot(ssa.estvar) \n"
>> RSession.script(script_text2)

The result should be the SV PDF image with the semivariogram :)

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RSOAP server

R is excellent for advance calculations like geostatistics or data set processing. In modern days with web 2.0 were everything is done in the web and not on the desktop it would be practical to have R as a server to process requests.

R can integrate in common internet languages like Python, Perl and PHP (this integration is still a bit weak....). These languages simple use R as an extension/module of their own features, another option is to access R as a web service, allowing for R to be a server replying to the requests of clients (what ever the client might be)

SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML messages over networks, these messages can contain data, execution calls etc., using the RSOAP module (that was developed using RPy) it allows for R to work as a server replying to requests made using this protocol.

The RSOAP 1.1.4 depends on R>=1.4.1 ; Rpy >=0.3.0 ; PyXML >=0.7 ; Python >= 2.1 ; SOAPpy >= 0.9.8 and R-library session >= 1.0

All the necessary tools are simple to install and don't give major headaches.... (python install tango dance....)

The RSOAP runs as total independent process listening to a specific port. In the script directory or RSOAP (in my case: /usr/local/src/RSOAP-1.1.4/scripts) there is the RSOAPManager script that activates the RSOAP server. As specifications it is possible to define the port to be used as the SOAP server and to the lower and upper limit of the R session ports, and of course the always useful debug options

Basically RSOAP starts a SOAP server at port 9081, this port listens for requests of R sessions. After a request for a session is made, the server opens a port (starting with 9082+1 till 65535 ) for R command listening, this allows for 1 SOAP server to process different sessions from different clients at different ports.

Using the –debug option the .config.dumpSOAPout=1 and .config.dumpSOAPin=1 (options of the SOAP server object) will be activated dumping all the SOAP requests to the shell for debugging, this is very useful....

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