Everything is now locked !!!!
Well the acesses to the mapserver is now locked !!!!!!!
For locking the system with a login I used the PHP classes called adminpro that I got from the site:
The programming was done by Giorgios from Greece, and is the most straight forward login system based on MySQL, that I know, all programming is simple to follow and the configuration is very simple.
I had some problems making the socket connection to the MySQL, I don't understand why the socket wouldn't work, the file was inside chroot but I was having error messages saying no socket.
I couln't find much about the problem on the net, so instead of socket I used a direct connection:
I don't know if this is secure but it worked !!!
<?php include("adminpro_class.php");
$prot=new protect();
if ($prot->showPage) {
<!-- end of php protection-->
<?php } ?>
Cool and simple !!!
Labels: adminpro, connection, login, MySQL, PHP
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