XML parse problem with getElementsByTagName()
Today a college checked the WebGIS and she noticed the WCS request was not working. With me everything was fine but not with her, the difference is that I use Firefox while she is on IE6
So I have discovered that there is a problem parsing the XML of the describeCoverage request of the WCS.
I was using something like this to get the pixel resolution from the offsetVector information of the XML reply
var RESnode=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("offsetVector");
var sRESX=RESnode[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var RESX=sRESX.split(" "); //array with resx in this case the first value is the important one
var sRESY=RESnode[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
var RESY=sRESY.split(" ");
This gets the X,Y resolution of the image using FireFox
The problem is that tag offsetVector is in reality gml:offsetVector, as the specification of the WCS is to include the type of XML structure, well FireFox doesn't care about anything before the :
I have found a simple solution in this blog:
So in case the XML reply is empty I am using another tag name:
var RESnode=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("offsetVector");
if (RESnode.length == 0) {
var RESnode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("gml:offsetVector");
var sRESX=RESnode[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var RESX=sRESX.split(" "); //array with resx in this case the first value is the important one
var sRESY=RESnode[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
var RESY=sRESY.split(" ");
Labels: firefox, getElementsByTagName, IE, parse, problem, XML
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